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Our Sympathies Extended to the Family of Deborah Daye Allen

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Our Sympathies Extended to the Family of Deborah Daye Allen

Deborah (Debbie) Daye Alllen was born April 8,1964 in Coalgate to Martha Francis and Douglas D. Allen and passed away July 16, 2024.

After a long, brave, difficult battle with cancer, Deborah Daye Allen (Debbie/”Bee”), beloved daughter, sister, friend, and “aunt”, was called to her new home in the presence of God on July 16th, 2024. She fought with every fiber of her being, and bravely endured much suffering to stay with those who she loved so much, yet when God called her home, we had to rejoice that her suffering was ended. She is now forever in the presence of her Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ–more alive than ever!

Words are not enough to describe the sense of loss that is felt by all whose lives Debbie touched, and how we now ache that she has departed from our lives here on earth. She was known for her faith in God in all circumstances, her kindness, cheerfulness, humor, creativity, musicianship, work ethic, wisdom, forth-rightness, utter selflessness, and unrelentless care to all of those around her. She was truly one-of-a-kind, and never lost her uniqueness even when surrounded by the “status quo”.

Debbie is loved beyond imagination and will be missed by so many: Her parents, Martha Francis and Douglas D. Allen, siblings Doshia Maye Allen, Dale Duane Allen and Nolan David Allen (Cheryl), many relatives and friends from the surrounding area, as well as friends in Colorado, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona.

Debbie was born in Coalgate, Oklahoma, where she grew up on her family’s ranch, and where she learned to embrace life with a love and loyalty for her family, faith in God, laughter, and hard work. At an early age, she (along with her sister) took an interest in music, and she was encouraged by her parents to learn piano, flute and voice. By the time she began her studies in college, she was already proficient in both flute and voice, and she majored in Music Education while minoring in German and English at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She was the winner of a concerto competition and had the honor of being featured as a soloist with the college orchestra. During this time, she spent a summer in New Mexico playing her flute at various restaurants and also giving a flute recital there. After she graduated, she went on to travel to many countries in Europe, and lived in Germany for a year.

Once back in Oklahoma, she transitioned to a career as a K-12 Vocal Music Teacher in Ada, Oklahoma, where she tirelessly taught music to literally thousands of students for over 30 years. Debbie received the prestigious Latta District Teacher of the Year Award for the school year 2006-2007. Throughout the years, she led her students to participate in numerous festivals and competitions where they earned superior ratings. Moreover, she spoke about them as if they were her own family; she was so honored to have the opportunity to spend time with each one! We are so grateful to God for having had the opportunity to share life with such a beautiful and unique person! To her parents–thank you for raising her: a rare, amazing, and many-faceted gift to us all. Until we see her again, Debbie will inspire us to live a life that counts.

At the wishes of Debbie and her family, there will be not be a public memorial, but it should be known that all who supported Debbie throughout her life (and especially through the last yearand “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Henceforth, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing.”-2 Timothy 4: 7-8

“Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints”Psalm 116:15

“Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life.”Revelation 2:10