Be careful how you vote My late father had pretty traditional views when it came to politics. As one who survived the Great Depression, he thought Franklin D. Roosevelt was sent by a Protestant (probably Baptist) God to help poor, of whom we were among the poorest, people survive.
Read moreSharp minds for little children A first grade school teacher had 25 students in her class. She presented each child in her classroom the first half of a wellknown proverb and asked them to come up with the remainder of the proverb. It’s hard to believe these were actually done by first graders.
Read moreIdiots dwell among us
Read moreLeftovers from last week’s suggestions for holiday gift giving: MISCELLANEOUS GUIDELINES: 1. Husband concedes that writing thank you notes for the entire household and buying gifts for husband’s business associates are not the Wife’s job.
Read more(Note: I promised Christine Provence, my 10-11-12 grade English teacher at Holdenville High School, that I would run this column every year. She liked it better than any of the seemingly endless papers I wrote in her classes).
Read morePigs and wedding bells
Read moreOne of the first things I learned in Bible School as a youngster in rural Hughes County was that a parable is an earthly story with a Heavenly meaning. And some 85 years later, I know of no time in our Nation’s proud history when all of us could use more Heavenly meanings.
Read moreThe voice of experience speaks
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