Service held for Dr. Charles Sandmann

Sandmann Aug. 8, 1928 - Nov. 22, 2018 OKLAHOMA CITY Charles was born in McAlester, OK on Aug. 8, 1928, to Fredrick W. and Elizabeth Sandmann, of Cottonwood, OK. He was the youngest of four children in a coal mining family. His father was killed in a mine accident when he was one year old leaving his mother with four very young children to rear during the Depression. With the aid of the Mayer and Sandmann families and many good neighbors, she was very successful.
The family moved to Coalgate when Charles was nine. The children worked with their Uncle Bill in his bottling plant after school to help with finances. Charles’ oldest brother, John Fredrick, was killed during WW II and his brother, Paul, was wounded. His sister, Margaret, worked in a munitions factory in Tulsa. Charles and his mother held down the “home front.”
He graduated from Coalgate High School and then entered the Army. After his service, he used the G.I. Bill to enter East Central University and graduated in three years with a degree to teach biology and math. He taught in Atoka, Blackwell and Oklahoma City public schools. He taught at Central Jr.-Sr. High School and received his master’s degree in guidance and counseling. It was there he met a new teacher, Phyllis Banta, and they married in 1957.
As it was the time of the “new” math, he received summer scholarships to the University of Wisconsin, University of Oregon and The University of Oklahoma. In 1965, he joined the staff of Oklahoma State Education Department of Guidance and Counseling. He received degrees from Central State College and then a Doctorate of Education from OU.
While at the State Education Department, he held positions in Human Relations and was Director of Federal Grants until an old education associate asked him to retire from education and enter the oil business.
He began his second career at Farmer’s Union Cooperative Royalty Association in 1982 and these were the happiest days of his life. Every day was a challenge and he couldn’t wait to get to work each morning. In 1987, he was made president of the company and remained until his retirement in 2002. He stayed on the Board of Directors until shortly before his death.
Charles is survived by his wife, Phyllis; his sons, Charles William Jr and David Dwight; his grandchildren, Charles William III, Chase, Carole Burke, James, and Catrina. He is also survived by his great-grandchildren, Kenny Boren and the light of his life, Jaina Sandmann (the first girl in this Sandmann family). Deborah Sandmann is considered a daughter and much loved. One grandson, Christopher Neil, preceded him in death.
Funeral Service was held at 10 a.m. on Monday, Nov. 26, 2018, at Smith & Kernke N. May Avenue Chapel.