Sheriff and deputies complete CSI training

Coal County Sheriff Bryan Jump, Captain Ethan Fomby and Deputy Austin Golden are among a class of law enforcement officers who recently completed a 128-hour crime scene investigation program at Northeastern State University in Broken Arrow.
After successfully completing four Crime Scene Investigator (CSI) levels, the offi cers were awarded their Crime Scene Investigator Certificate from NSU and Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation.
Taught by OSBI agents and other approved law enforcement personnel, the intensive, blended online and in-person training program is designed to aid officers who want to develop their skills and expertise in crime scene investigations.
Classes cover all aspects of crime scene management, including, in part, proper identifi cations, blood stain patterns, collection and preservation of evidence and crime scene photography, as well as the basic legal considerations involved in crime scene investigation.
“This class provides a level of training that is astronomical compared to what we learn in CLEET,” Jump stated. “The training provided us tools that will definitely help us solve crimes ranging from simple burglaries to homicides. In fact, we’ve already been able to use some of the techniques we learned in some burglary cases.”
Jump noted, however, that even though an offi cer may be equipped with all the investigative tools in the world, his job of solving the crime is often hampered by a contaminated crime scene.
“It’s important for victims of a crime not to contaminate the scene,” Jump said. “If you come home and fi nd a door kicked in, report it immediately. Do not enter the house and do not touch anything. In addition to possibly contaminating the crime scene, you could be walking into danger. The burglar, or burglars, could still be in there.”