Speaking of “baby boomers”, how many of you remember the old Burma Shave road signs?
Read moreI grew up attending small, country churches. In fact, when I was growing up, there was no such thing as a megachurch. We didn’t have a clue about bands, light shows or PowerPoint. If you had asked me what a megachurch was, I might have pointed you toward a church in town that had 300 in attendance. It was bigger than my elementary and middle schools combined.
Read moreThe happiness of these days has been paid for by others, leaving us in debt not just to the past but to the future – for it, too, in all it complexity and sophistication, will have to be built on bedrock. On duty, honor, country.
Read moreSome of you may know that I went traveling this past weekend — up to St Louis ’s Missouri. It’s a long trip up I-44 and back, but I made it. Due to my old age, I took my personal doctor, Ron, and my private nurse, Pat, with me. It was a hard trip but worth it.
Read moreDon’t let taxes get you down This actually ran as a Letter to the Editor in a Wichita Falls newspaper) Can you identify with this guy?
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